Drake Arbiter
Arbiters take their caste duty of enforcing order very seriously. In order to better execute their duties, they have abandoned the drakes’ traditional hand-mounted claws and traded their spears for the spike and blade of the halberd. In their minds, the loss of maneuverability is a fair price for the raw heft the massive metal head provides. The thick plate these drakes wear protects them well against weapons that could slip between their scales.
Notes especials: La llargària de l'arma d'aquesta unitat li permet atacar primer en melé, fins i tot quan defensa.
Avança de: | Drac de xoc |
Avança a: | Guarda drac |
Cost: | 31 |
HP: | 62 |
Moviment: | 5 |
XP: | 105 |
Level: | 2 |
Alineació: | legal |
ID | Drake Arbiter |
Habilitats: |
Atacs (damage - count)
alabarda melé | 11 - 3 talla | ||
alabarda melé | 17 - 2 perfora | iniciatiu |
talla | 20% | perfora | 10% | |||
impacta | 30% | foc | 50% | |||
fred | -50% | arcà | -30% |
Cost del moviment | |||
Terreny | Defensa | ||
Aigua baixa | 3 | 20% | |
Bosc | 2 | 40% | |
Boscatge de bolets | 2 | 40% | |
Castell | 1 | 40% | |
Cova | 2 | 30% | |
Deep Water | - | 0% | |
Escull costaner | 2 | 30% | |
Gelat | 3 | 20% | |
Impracticable | - | 0% | |
Llogaret | 1 | 40% | |
Muntanyes | 1 | 40% | |
Pantà | 3 | 20% | |
Plana | 1 | 30% | |
Sorra | 1 | 40% | |
Turons | 1 | 40% |